The Tips for Wisdom Teeth Extraction and Fast Recovery

okc oral surgeon

Wisdom teeth removal is quite a common thing and there are more people around us who have undergone it. Here in this article we will discuss the nooks and crannies of wisdom teeth removal and recovery recommended by oral surgeons.

Although we will provide detailed instructions for post-surgery care, we offer the following tips to help you heal quickly and without complications.

  1. Take care of your pain

Once sedation is over on the operation day, you will be discharged home as quickly as possible. You’ll require someone to take you home because the sedative has long-term impacts that can make driving unsafe.

After evaluating your medical history, we will recommend OTC medicines to help you manage your pain. Applying an ice pack to the face might also help to minimize swelling.

  1. Take a drink.

When drinking fluids, it may be alluring to use a straw; however, you should avoid straws. Instead, sip from the glass in small sips to stay hydrated. Caffeine-containing drinks and alcohol should be avoided. Drinking water is vital for recuperation, so drink as much as you can.

  1. Quit smoking

Smoking is a big no-no after surgery since it slows down the healing process. It is the time to quit the smoking addiction. Blood clots will appear in the tooth socket after surgery. Smoking can displace blood clots, resulting in sore dry sockets.

  1. Consume soft foods

Even if you don’t feel particularly hungry after surgery, it’s crucial to eat.

Foods that don’t require much chewing will hinder the blood clot and stitch, so choose foods that don’t require much chewing. Start eating really soft meals when you’re hungry, such as:

  • Smooth soups
  • Apple sauce
  • Yogurt
  • Broth
  • Mashed bananas
  • Scrambled eggs
  • Cottage cheese
  • Desserts
  • Mashed potatoes
  • Soups
  • Smoothies
  1. Stay away from spicy foods.

It’s crucial to stay away from hot food during the healing process. Extremely hot food can cause burns in areas where you’ve just undergone surgery.

  1. Adhere to the diet that has been prescribed.

For all snacks and meals, you should follow the prescribed diet. This is critical as food can become stuck at the surgical site.

If you’re going to eat soup, make sure it’s not too hot and that you don’t suck it down. To avoid blood clot dislodging, drink little sips instead. You should stay from the foods listed below:

  • Spicy dishes
  • Crunchy food
  • Seeds and grains
  • Berries with a lot of seeds
  1. Gradually introduce new foods

When the discomfort has decreased and you feel it is manageable, you can start eating heartier foods. Don’t rush things; the more time you give yourself to heal, the sooner you’ll be able to resume eating all of your favorite foods.

  1. Stay away from rigorous activities.

You can resume your normal activities when you feel ready, although for first few days, you should avoid vigorous exertion.

  1. Advice for proper care

You will get instructions for proper care to help in the healing course from oral surgeons. This means you can’t brush or floss the day of your procedure.

  • Rinse mouth with salt water; do not spit.
  • If there is excessive bleeding, dab the cut gently with gauze.
  • Take your medication exactly as directed.
  • Antibiotics may be prescribed in some circumstances to avoid infection. Fill out the complete prescription to ensure that it has enough time to work.

For more and detailed guidelines, see us at Oral and Facial Surgery of Oklahoma.

**Disclaimer: This site content is not intended to be medical advice nor establishes a doctor-patient relationship.
