Archive for November, 2021

When Is The Right Time for Your Kid to Go for Wisdom Teeth Removal?

Most people have impacted wisdom teeth. In other words, they don’t have the ability to flare up appropriately into the smile and get stuck in the bone and gum tissue surrounding it. Wisdom teeth extraction by an oral surgeon is recommended in these cases. Preventive wisdom tooth removal is usually done by the time a […]

The Right Treatment For Sensitive Teeth

Oral surgery specialists are the right person for treating the sensitive teeth. People aged between 20 to 40 are the common sufferers of sensitive teeth. Teenagers and seniors adults also may get sensitive teeth and women are more affected by it than men. The common causes of sensitive teeth are impulsive brushing, dental erosion, gum […]

How to Recover From the Bone Graft Quickly?

According to the research, millions of Americans lose at least one tooth in a year. Losing a tooth is one of the most common problems in the United States. If you lose one of your teeth that does not mean that you have lost the world. There are a variety of treatments available out there. The […]

The Differences between Cosmetic and Restorative Dentistry

Restorative dentistry focuses on the restoration of the mouth as well as comprehensive oral health management. While this concept may be difficult to grasp, this style of dentistry is concerned with maintaining the mouth’s functionality, well-being, and aesthetic attractiveness. While the American Dental Association has not yet defined restorative dentistry as a specialty, many of […]

Why Dental Implants Are Best Option for Missing Tooth?

Dental implants are the greatest option for restoring missing teeth since they do not impact the surrounding teeth like regular bridges. Traditional bridges require grinding down the teeth close to the vacant space in order to connect the false tooth. Dental implants would be the best option for restoring missing teeth when bridges and dentures […]

The Preparation of Dental Implants You Need to Follow

Our goal at Oral and Facial Surgery of Oklahoma is to provide patients with the best care possible. In the event that you have lost a tooth as a result of an accident, disease, or decay, we hope to be able to restore your smile using cutting-edge dental implant technology. Dental implants give patients the […]

Wisdom Teeth Removal: A Comprehensive Guide

Wisdom teeth, sometimes known as third molars, mostly erupt between the age of 17 to 21. If your child is having one or more wisdom teeth and they are causing problems, they need to be extracted. Since most of the mouths are too small, they don’t have sufficient space for an extra tooth. An oral […]